- Wireless Internet Access


setup account


If you're trying to figure out where to sign-up or login on this site...

If you're near our wireless network -

Make sure you've selected '' from the available access points.
There may be more than one '' - pick the strongest one.


If you have already connected to one of our access points

There isn't a link to the logon / signup page as such...
It pops up whenever you got to a website that isn't on the list of free ones
(this site is free - so try going to your homepage or any site off google or in your bookmarks)

When triggered your browser says - 'Wireless Hotspot - redirecting'
- then takes you to the logon / signup page.

If it hasn't asked you to login

But you seem to be able to browse any website - you don't need to login.
You're either already logged in or your computers serial number
has already been authorised and connected automatically


If you're not in the area

It's not going to work until you come closer...



Local links